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Friday, October 28, 2005

The Universal Invocation

The Universal Invocation is a prayer channeled by Mr. Jimmy Licauco, a paranormal expert/writer, for Universal Healing and Love of all creations.

Universal Invocation
O, Great Unseen Spirit, He who dwells in the secret place of the most high, we humbly call upon you today, confident that you will hear us.

From the center of the Heavenly Father, pour forth your infinite Wisdom; from the Center of your Son, your Immense Light; and from the center of the Holy Spirit, your Boundless Blessings upon this gathering of kindred minds and kindred spirits.

Grant us the Power to rise beyond petty quarrels and selfish motives; the Courage to correct our weakness; Tolerance and Patience for the failings of our brethren; The Wisdom to understand one another at a deeper level; Fairness in all our undertakings and, Perseverance to carry on despite difficulties.

Allow us not only to understand but to joyously accept your immutable law of Universal Justice, that nothing ever happens to any of us that we do not truly deserve, that everything we ever do will always come back to us in full measure, nothing less and nothing more.

Help us to realize that nothing we ever do can change your Universal and Divine Plan -- until the consummation of the world.

Knowing this, help us in our daily affairs to do only that which is in accord with your Will and your Plan, so that we can face one another each new day with love in our heart and a smile on our face, until we meet one another in our next life.



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